Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The Perfect Mix; Creative and Organized

I have been searching for some time now for a career that would allow me to utilize some key facets of my personality. My core education is in the fields of Economics and International Relations
(which I love!) but I was still searching for a more hands on career where I would not be confined to one space for many hours in a day.

I studied Economics because the discipline appeals to the pragmatist in me, the side of me that knows how to compartmentalize and deal with certain issues in part to create a change for the whole. I love Economics and Lectured for about a year at the Montego Bay Community College (where I was a student). Lecturing was good, but it wasn’t great, and I was limited in the methods I could use to bring the subject matter to students. The job a little too much structure for me, so I left that job to someone who would better make use of the opportunity.

I studied International Relations as my minor just for the love of it. World Affairs and how issues in other countries ripple around the globe is fascinating. Especially now, we are so interconnected through the web. You may be reading this from Sweden!
So my Education thus far has brought me thus far. Now my aim is to use the practical skills of Economics and the analytical skills from International Relations and apply them to my new venture EVENT PLANNING. I will do this by adding my eye and flair for design and the spice and warmth that comes inherently to all Jamaicans.

So I am ready to get started

I am enrolled in a ten week EVENT MANAGEMENT course

At University of the West Indies Open Campus.

1 comment:

  1. Its all about pursuing your passion. Its doing what makes u feel happy & fulfilled.
    What joy to use your creative skills and thoughts to make another person's special day more worthwhile.
